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Water Drops

Frequently asked questions

  • What is the highest safe running water temperature?
    RefleX UV systems can operate safely over a wide range of temperatures. Systems will operate without adjustment from 20 to 65 C (68 - 150 F). Outside this range from 2 to 85 C (35 – 185 F) a system will function, but the units will need to be de-rated.
  • Is there an alarm circuit?
    Unlike most UV systems the RefleX UV chambers provide an accurate readout of the UV output, rather than just a timer. You can select the minimum desired dose and the controller will alert the operator when UV output is within 5% of the selected minimum, or when it drops below this level.
  • Is the photodetector NIST traceable?
    Yes, the factory uses a NIST calibrated lamp as a reference to calibrate the UV monitors.
  • Does the Treatment Chamber emit Ozone?
    While the UV lamps do generate some ozone, RefleX UV chambers are designed to contain any ozone generated within the system.
  • How long between cleanings when tap water is the working fluid?
    Cleaning frequency based on tap water is very location dependent, not all tap water is uniform. Some locations contain higher levels of hardness (CaCO3), iron, or manganese – contaminants that will likely drive the cleaning frequency. This can range from 3 months to 2 years or more.
  • Does UV kill things? Does UV disinfect?
    Technically UV does not kill the pathogens in the water. The UV light penetrates the cell and scrambles the DNA which prevents the cell from replicating. When these cells cannot multiple they cannot infect.
  • Is UV harmful to my eyes?
    Yes, UV rays are harmful to the eyes and skin. While, in general, the power is turned off when servicing UV systems, and the light is totally enclosed when operating the units, care should be taken and protective gear worn when working on any UV systems.
  • How often do you change UV lamps?
    The lamps in RefleX UV Chambers are designed to operate for one year (9,000 hours) when not cycled on and off more than once a day. Unlike many other UV systems that rely on a timer for lamp change outs, RefleX UV chambers provide an actual dose reading. As long as the chamber is producing the required UV dose, the lamps do not need to be replaced.
  • How do I know if UV is actively killing bacteria?
    The RefleX UV chamber delivered to you was sized based on the specifications provided, so the minimum dose was established. The UV monitor provides a picture of the entire UV chamber. As long as the output is above the minimum set point, the dose in the chamber meets the requirements.
  • Does UV kill COVID?
    Yes, while COVID in water is not considered dangerous, it can become aerosolized by showers, sparklers, misters, cooling towers, or other processes. It is a good practice to keep virus concentrations as low as possible.
  • How long does UV take to kill bacteria?
    RefleX UV chambers are small so water does not stay in the chamber very long, generally less than a tenth of a second. The UV intensity provided by RefleX Chamber technology is intense enough to provide the required dose in this time to disinfect the water.
  • What is UV radiation?
    UV is a section of the electromagnetic spectrum that ranges from gamma rays at the shortest wavelengths, to radio waves at the longer end. Visible light fits in between these ranges, with violet being the shortest wavelength the human eye can detect. Ultraviolet light is the band just below this visible spectrum, which leads to the name. The UV band is broken up into four segments itself, A, B, C, and vacuum. In water treatment we deal with the C band for disinfection and the vacuum band for TOC reduction.
  • What do I need to know to specify my UV needs?
    To properly size a Reflex UV chamber or system we need four to know four critical measurements: flow rate, the required dose, the UV transmissivity of the water, and water temperature. Flow rate is determined by the process demands. Dose is driven by the application or by regulatory limits. The ability of the UV light to penetrate the water is often the most difficult to determine. We can estimate it based on the treatment stream, or a sample can be shipped to us to determine the correct value. Temperature is only important when the water will be below 20 C (68 F) or above 65 C (150 F).
  • Does low pressure refer to the water?
    The terms low pressure and medium pressure are often used when discussing UV systems. These terms refer to the gas pressure inside the UV lamps and have nothing to do with the pressure of the water being treated.
  • Why are RefleX UV Chambers so much smaller than typical UV chambers and systems?
    The patented design of RefleX UV Chambers addresses a basic limitation of conventional UV systems. Typically, a polished stainless-steel chamber used as the pressure vessel will absorb about 80% of the UV light. As a result, these units need many more bulbs and longer bulbs to achieve the required dose. RefleX UV Chambers use a unique reflective material to concentrate the light and reflect the light back into the water. While Reflex UV Chambers can use the same types of bulbs as other systems, they use the light more efficiently than any other chamber or system.
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